2. I know it's silly but I think I'm a closet hoarder of pink stuff! If I see anything and I do mean anything, that is that soft, light pepto bismol pink color, I am drawn to it like a horsefly to cattle dung. I have pink sweaters, pink tops of all types and lots of other pink clothes that I really can't wear because they don't match my skin tone at all. I even bought a mini teflon "Pig" shaped pan and matching mini spatula one day just because it was pink. You can fry only one egg in the thing and I don't know when I'll ever use it so of course I hid it away in my closet next to the pink salad tongs, pink letter opener and many other interesting items that are all pink. My husband is still not happy with me for the purchase of a pink garden shovel over two years ago since I refuse to use it and ruin the pretty blade. I also bought the pink KitchenAid Stand Mixer when my old white one burned up, but I tell everyone I did it to support the fight for breast cancer which is more than a reasonable explanation. Now if I can just find some use for the giant stuffed, pink Energizer Bunny that I won at the local hardware store the other day; at least I didn't buy it!
3. I know it's silly but I like to hide chocolate candy in strange places so I will forget and then find them later, feeling like I've just won the chocolate lottery. You know, kinda like a good old Easter Egg Hunt that you do for yourself. Imagine how grand it is when you are getting ready to go jogging with your dog and you score a mini Muskateer that had been tucked away in a sneaker! The only drawback to this that I have experienced was one morning while I was at the gym. I had grabbed my overnight bag to carry the nice clothes I planned on wearing to a meeting later that morning, forgetting about the dark chocolate kisses I had tossed in a few weeks earlier. I was wearing only my work out shorts and top and after my routine of stretching, treadmill and Zumba group, I decided to spend some time in the sauna before hitting the shower. Because there were no empty lockers available that morning, (sucks when you're late) I carried my bag into the sauna with me. You guessed it! By the time I was showered and was done with my hair and make-up, I reached into the bottom of my bag to find my nice cream, j.crew cashmere sweater, looking like a Keebler Fudge Stripe cookie.
More secrets later, when you get to know me a little better and won't think I'm a total nutcase!
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